Peer Bork
(Joint Unit Coordinator, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany)

Peer Bork, PhD, is senior group leader and joint coordinator of the Structural and Computational Biology unit at EMBL, a European research organisation with headquarters in Heidelberg. He also holds an appointment at the Max-Delbrueck-Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin. Dr Bork received his PhD in Biochemistry (1990) and his habilitation in Theoretical Biophysics (1995). He works in various areas of computational biology and systems analysis with focus on function prediction, comparative analysis and data integration. He published almost 400 research articles in international, peer-reviewed journals, among them more than 40 in Nature, Science or Cell. He served in various review and evaluation panels, is on the editorial board of a number of journals including Science and PloS Biology, and functions as senior editor of the journal Molecular Systems Biology. Dr Bork co-founded four biotech companies, two of them went public. More than 20 of his former associates hold now professorships or other group leader positions in prominent places in Europe or North America.